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Mason Lock Box > Smart Key Pouch - Faraday Bag - Use With Mason Or Keyguard Lock Boxes
Smart Key Pouch - Faraday Bag - Use With Mason Or Keyguard Lock Boxes
Finally a way to use your Lock Box with any Smart Key! Simply add the Smart Key to our Smart Key Pouch. The Copper and Nickel material, along with the conductive hook & loop closure block the Smart Key signal, so it won't unlock the car while in the Lock Box. Service can also use these Smart Key Pouches to lock the Smart Key in the vehicle if a customer needs an after-hours pick up. Just have the customer leave the Pouch in the overnight drop box. These pouches are Military grade and used by Homeland Security. Lightweight and flexible - 4" tall x 2 1/2' wide This item is 1 smart key pouch
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