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3000 Custom Oil Change Stickers #1850
This is an excellent item to promote repeat business. It keeps your name and phone number in constant view of your customer. Reminders available in convenient sheet labels. Easy to write on. Removes and replaces easily at each service interval. Sheet Labels (Box) Light Adhesive Stickers in boxes of 1000 - 2-1/2" x 1-1/2"
- Background color: Available in Clear material only
- Personalize with your name, logo, and contact info.
- No plate or art charges
- Choose up to 4 colors. Standard colors are Red, Blue, Black and White. Non-standard colors are Yellow, Green, Orange and Gold
(non-standard colors require extended printing time and may require 5,000 minimum order) - White background or write-in strip counts as one color
- Packaged 1000 per box
Production Time: Please allow 15 working days after proof approval to print product in standard colors. |
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