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Balloon Bobber > Reusable Vinyl Balloon Light Pole Kit - Bobber #bektlbmc999
Reusable Vinyl Balloon Light Pole Kit - Bobber #bektlbmc999
No one will be able to drive past your property without taking notice! With the eye-catching balloon colors of your choice, our 4-Pack Light Pole Kit provides maximum visibility from blocks away. The adjustable quick release 2-10” band clamps make the kit compatible with most pole widths. You can also use multiple kits to create a stacked multi-level display if desired. Kit includes:(4) Balloons in any color (4) Upper Holding Cups (4) Conversion Buttons (2) 10" Band Clamps (4) Light Pole Brackets (4) Security Screws (4) Flexible Fiberglass Stems 
Enter the 4 required balloon colors in the box above - Example: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow |
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